
Mariner Kennels

Jon & Kathy Chase




Am. Can. Ch. Mariner Northern Dancer ("Ira") 
BIS Ch. Suntory Loveit A Cherrybrook CDX TD JH NAJ OA WC OS SDHF ex BIS Am. Can. Ch. Mariner Lil Sister By Tempo SDHF OD, Can. OD)

Ira recently finished his championship with a specialty five point major, and has his first JH leg.
He finished in Canada in three shows, taking a Group placement along the way. Ira is OFA Fair (GR-74550F24M-PI), has PennHip scores of .52/.48, has an ACVR (board-certified) elbow clearance, an ACVIM (board-certified) cardiac clearance, and a ACVO (board certified) eye clearance.

Click here to view Ira's pedigree.



